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California Coalition for PANS/PANDAS Advocacy


PANS/PANDAS are inflammatory brain disorders causing abrupt and extreme behavioral changes, including severe and debilitating OCD and/or eating restriction in children and young adults. Very often, the illness starts after an ordinary infection, such as strep throat. Antibodies made to fight the infection mistakenly attack brain tissues, causing neurological and behavioral symptoms. Affected children also have an extreme and abrupt onset of anxiety, rage, depression, insomnia, behavioral regression, deterioration in school performance, tics, and other debilitating symptoms. Prompt medical treatment is essential and can lead to remarkable recoveries. However, children are often misdiagnosed as suffering from psychological disorders or faulty parenting, prolonging the suffering of the entire family, often for years, and left untreated, PANS/PANDAS can become a chronic and/or life threatening condition. Impacted families also face difficultly finding  a knowledgeable, skilled, and willing medical professional. Click here to learn more about PANS/PANDAS. â€‹

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PANS/PANDAS are inflammatory brain disorders causing abrupt and extreme behavioral changes, including severe and debilitating OCD and/or eating restriction in children and young adults. Very often, the illness starts after an ordinary infection, such as strep throat. Antibodies made to fight the infection mistakenly attack brain tissues, causing neurological and behavioral symptoms. Affected children also have an extreme and abrupt onset of anxiety, rage, depression, insomnia, behavioral regression, deterioration in school performance, tics, and other debilitating symptoms. Prompt medical treatment is essential and can lead to remarkable recoveries. However, children are often misdiagnosed as suffering from psychological disorders or faulty parenting, prolonging the suffering of the entire family, often for years, and left untreated, PANS/PANDAS can become a chronic and/or life threatening condition. Impacted families also face difficultly finding  a knowledgeable, skilled, and willing medical professional. Click here to learn more about PANS/PANDAS. â€‹

Why We Need PANS/PANDAS Legislation...


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Statue of Justice

What We Aim To Do...

We aim to help Californians impacted by PANS/PANDAS by passing a health insurance law. As of 2024, eleven states AR, CO, DE, IL, IN, MA, MD, MN, NH, OR, and RI have passed laws requiring health insurance companies to cover treatment costs for PANS/PANDAS. California is not one of them!  By allowing PANS inflammation to continue unchecked, insurers place PANS children at risk for more difficult recoveries, lifelong disability, or death. Please help us add California to the growing list of states who have passed a PANS/PANDAS Health Insurance Law! Click here to see which states have already passed PANS/PANDAS health insurance laws!

Hands of a young child holding a beautiful green heart with care showing a concept of Envi

How You Can


Let your California State Representative or State Senator know about the urgent need to support this bill in 2023!

(See templates here to phone or write your state representatives!)

Help us understand how PANS has impacted YOUR family so we can better represent YOU! (Complete our 5 minute survey and/or send us your family’s story here so we may share it with legislators)

Fill out our contact form so we may let you know when it is time to go to Sacramento and speak up!

Teachers and school nurses- WE NEED YOU to tell us how PANS has impacted you and/or your students. You can send us your Impact Statement here.

Click here to see the many ways you can help!

Contact Us

CalCoalition Advocates


P.O Box 15587, Long Beach, CA 90815

Thanks for submitting!


We asked members of the PANS community, including parents, children, survivors, and grandparents, "What Do They Wish People Knew About PANS/PANDAS?"

In return, we received #thehardandhonesttruthaboutPANSandPANDAS

We encourage you to WATCH, SHARE, and take the time to LEARN more about PANS/PANDAS.




Click here to find your California Representatives.

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